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Looking after all your financial needs

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We offer a holistic range of financial advice services so you can take complete control of your money.

Improve your cashflow


If you’re living from one paycheque to the next, sometimes it can feel like you’ll never get ahead. We’ll help you create a household budget and set up a regular savings plan, so you can get your spending under control and start putting money aside for the future.

Manage your own super


Want even more control over your retirement savings? We can help you set up a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) and create the right investment strategy for your situation and goals. We’ll also guide you through the process of managing your SMSF so you can stay on top of your tax and legal obligations.

Safeguard your business


If you run your own business, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day management rather than thinking about the big picture. We can help you manage your cashflow, set your personal and professional goals, get the right business insurance and put a watertight succession plan in place.

Grow your wealth


Whether you’re new to investing or you’re a seasoned investor, we can tailor the right strategy for your financial goals and stage of life. By building a diversified portfolio, we’ll help you maximise your returns while minimising your exposure to market movements and investment risks.

Protect what matters most


When you’re focused on building a comfortable lifestyle for yourself and your family, it’s important to make you’re financially protected. We’ll help you get the right types of insurance for your circumstances, while making sure you’re not paying for any cover you don’t need.

Plan for retirement


After years of hard work, you deserve to relax and enjoy yourself. We can help you decide what kind of retirement lifestyle you want, with your finances structured to provide a steady income throughout your golden years. We’ll also make sure you’re getting all the Centrelink benefits you’re entitled to.

Boost your super


No matter where you’re at in your professional life, your super could be one of your most valuable assets by the time you retire. We can shape the right super strategy for your financial situation to help you make the most of your income to grow your nest egg.

Prepare for redundancy

In the current economic environment, no one can ever be certain that their job is secure for life. We can help you create a financial safety net so you’ll be prepared for whatever lies around the corner. And if you do receive a redundancy package, we’ll show you how to make your payout stretch as far as possible.

Create an estate plan


Now that you’ve done the hard yards to build and protect your wealth, naturally you want to pass it on to the right people when the time comes. We’ll work with your legal adviser to create a legally binding estate plan, so you can be confident that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes after you pass away.

Transition into aged care


When it’s time for a family member to move into an aged care facility, it can be an emotionally and financially stressful process for the entire family. We can help you navigate your options to ensure that you or your loved one makes a smooth transition and receives the best possible care.

Supporting you at every life stage

As you move through life, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

From starting a family to planning the retirement of your dreams, we can make sure your financial plan is flexible enough to change as your circumstances and needs change.

Young professionals


When you’re just starting out in your career, we can help you kickstart your financial future and learn good money habits that will last a lifetime.



Retirement is a major life milestone – and the sooner you start preparing for it, the better off you’ll be. We can help you make the most of your income while you’re still working, so you’ll have the freedom to retire when and how you want.

Couples and families


Juggling your day-to-day responsibilities at work and home doesn’t leave much time to focus on the future. With a tailored financial plan, you can reach your financial goals sooner while still enjoying life today.



Retirement should be a time to reward yourself after years of hard work, and the last thing you want is to be financially stressed. We’ll guide you through your options so you can enjoy the retirement lifestyle of your dreams, while helping to maximise your social security benefits.

Business owners


We can help make sure your business is in the best possible shape, with guidance on everything from cashflow and business insurance to strategic planning and succession management.

Older Australians


As you move through retirement, you want to feel confident that you’ll be able to afford high-quality aged care when the time comes. We’ll help you find the right aged care solution for your needs and budget, while making the process as smooth as possible for you and your loved ones.  

On-Track Financial Solutions Pty Ltd

​p: 08 9367 1611

Suite 40, 11 Preston Street, Como WA 6152

Post: PO box 2151, Como Beach, Como WA 6152

Contact Us

On-Track Financial Solutions Pty Ltd and its advisers are

Authorised Representatives of Fortnum Private Wealth Ltd ABN 54 139 889 535 AFSL 357306


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